Montag, 11. März 2013

Okay, hier noch die unkorrigiereten Schülerbeiträge (Sorry, a little bit late....v.v)


At 6 o`clock you can see the first tears. And after this moment, we had 18 hours to sleep and talked english (Anm.d.Red: das ist eine Lüge XD) with our friends. But we can`t sleep because it was very loud in the bus (Anm.d.Red: das kann ich bestätigen) Every 2 hours we made a stop and we can go to the toilet (Anm.d.Red: wäre schön gewesen, wenn alle, die mussten, diese Pausen auch genutzt hätten) This do we all time to Calais (Anm.d.Red: Leider waren wir nicht in Calais, sondern in Dünkirchen^^) Then we had to go to the ferry. In the outside you can see the lights from the coast. It was very windy and cold. Indoors the teachers and the schoolboys and girls can sleep. Some of us got giddiness. When we drove into the harbour it was amazing to see the big chalkmountains in the west. When we arrived at our finish it was sensational to find out about our "new" parents. It was a very funny bustrip.

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